Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whats New with tyler?

Whats new with me? Hmmmm..... Well since you want to know SOOOO Badly..... Ive gotton recomendations to be in Honnors English and Honnors History in highschool! WOOO! lol i feel so smart! Im still awaiting the SBA Testing (standard Based Assesments) Results i already know i probably tottaly bombed math and science but im feeling confident in reading and writing.

My Bangs are Crayola red my hair is short SHORT and ive grown an inch maybe just half an inch.
Uhhhh......Idk what else so i guess ill end here....


Salax said...

I think you must be joking. Honors? Congrats if you are telling the truth.

Salax said...

My Terra nova test results are through the roof, I don't know if you take those anymore.

nyc_ransoms said...

Ok, I am intrigued by the new tyler. please send a pic of your new red bangs and short hair. So excited you are blogging. It is nice to spy a bit on your life.
