Saturday, August 8, 2009

It makes me sad my blog is going dead, just shows i need a computer class again

I Have the random urge to blog, but i have no clue about what so I'll go off of what i know.

I currently feel like a Meanie... and its not Entirely my fault, in fact it may just have very little to nothing to do with me but i still feel like a Evil Evil person =/

Wednesday Night was the best to date, My favorite thing to ever happen. Hehe... And i'd tell you but its a you'd had to have been there type thing

I need to Learn how to spell Wednesday correctly, Spell check is attributing to its correct spelling.

Country music is the Bomb Like Tick Tick! i love it! Go hide under a rock for your lack of musical taste country haters because guess what? Its just like your alternative music just a tiny bit different!

Lips Like Morphine! that song is Stuck in my head and its getting a tad annoying

Martina McBride annoys me, she has good songs i like her but idk she just annoys me, but i'm to lazy to change the channel and change it back when the song is over.

EDWARD CULLEN EDWARD CULLEN EDWARD CULLEN!! Guess what im thinking about? Edward Cullen? Eww! No! I'm thinking about Ice Cream! Rainbow Sherburt!... Lol
On that note Edward Should really go have a meeting with the vultroi and get them angered OR Ask jacob to kill him im sure he'd oblige

YAY! taylor swift you belong with me playing!

The kids in my neighbor hood annoy me.... they where making fun of me for Wednesday night.... :( i just stuck my hand in the air as if to say whatever and kept walking.....

Haha Smooth away comercial on! that crap doesnt work!

Has anyone seen parental controll? where the parents pick new people for their kids to date and they have to choose between the Boyfriend and the two people? anyone else like it? Anyone else think its scripted?

My blog WILL NOT DIE! i promise this much! It may be elusive and seam dead but right before your ready to pull the plug on all hopes of seeing a new post BAM! its alivve and kicking baby!

Ok now that i've posted a random blog its your time to read and comment!

Wow Talk about Nostalgia

I was looking threw my old posts and heres my 8th grade video that i made! I'm still very proud of it! :D.... i just wish ms. eiben (evil evil lady) had actually burned it to disk for me! i even paid for it! :( .... hey computer savy's is there anyway to pull it from here? I have the code if it helps.... Prob not.... but i re sized it HOPEFULLY making it easier to read the poems and words and stuff. Well Enjoy!

I cried! shhh don't tell anybody!.... jess... wow, Talk about best friend dropping best friend! grr! umm yeah ok watch enjoy And make fun