Monday, November 24, 2008

On The Wings Of Broken Dreams

This world is crap

She agrees she's about to snap

Too many disappointments too many times she failed

All her mishaps behind her they trailed

So on the wings of broken dreams

She flies away with the hope of finding a place where everything gleams

I really like the last two not written for my point or anything like that. i just had the last two lines in my head and wanted to form something around it that would fit.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

These are the people who where running threw my head while i read twilight...... I was slightly disapointed with whos playing Bella and Jasper but it works i guess.

Shiri appleby fits the description of bella way better in my mind.
I dont know why but Shane West seams better for Edward.... too bad hes too old for the role, id love to see him sparkle

Emmett in my mind wa splayed by Taylor whos playing Jacob...... Weird... but he did a GREAT job as jacob

And This is who i imagined Jacob, and actualy he was who Stephanie was imagingin when she wrote his charactar so KUDOS to ME!!! lol

Rosalie looked some what like Kathrine Heigl in my mind but not exactly. the person i imagined was a lot like kathrine but not exactly her.

Rachel Leigh cook would be perfect for alice. I really like who plays alice now but shed also work.

Who id imagined Jasper either DOESNT exist or i dont remember where i seen him before. But this dude works and will now be who i imagine EVERY time i read the book, give it up for Richie Stingini

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the guy whos playing emmett! hes just AWSOME! lol heheh

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Can any one find this movie?

If any one can find the movie We're Back: A dinosaur story and give it to me for ill be VERY VERY happy! i love that movie! I havent seen it in years but still

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sadly it wasnt lou freggino it was a newbie dude. Well actually we are watching it now coz im still in class. see this is comuters class. Im messing with the kid who sits next to me. and im thinking about another poem to write but im on a stupid writers block and need help off it so ideas please!

This is another short story i wrote at the begining of the year... posibly durring summer i cant rememebr

It wasnt until she had read four chapters into her book that she knowticed that her daughters laughter was missing rom the endless giggles of the other children. She hadnt thought anything of letting her daugghter play while she read, they did it almost every day. Franticaly looking around she wondered how long shed been gne, If she had called out for her mother. Her daughter was only three, She didnt know anything of any other place than home and the park. That plus the girl was too much of a mammas girl to wander off with out her.
No one answered when she called out her name, No one came running asking to be pushed on the swings.
And when she started Screaming and crying others could only look on with wonder and pity.

No one had seen her come.
No one had seen her got
it was as if she had never been there at all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I GOT THE FOURTH BOOK OF TWILIGHT!!! AWSOMENESS! ll i love the series its the best

I already said it but to say it agian i changed how i spell my name. Its now spelt Ttyler my mother hasnt said anything about it to me yet so im asuming she never got the text telling her i changed it.

Acting class is getting better we are finaly back into the theater after a two week absence from it. every one was so exited
we did improve for the most of the hour and ms neimeyr said it was the best improve weve done in a while.

If i ever referr to a ms bess its ms neimeyer.

ummmm a poem? should i post a poem? kk This poem i wrote for a solider in Iraq Ryan Irish, we where making christmas cards for them.

Merry Christmas from accross the sea
Thank you so much for defending our Country
Starngers Admire you for all your deeds
We hope you are safe where ever your road leads
Have an awsome Christmas
And a Wicked New year
with Love us Over here

Waddya think?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Short story title First period was boring as usual

Probably one of my more weird and random stories, but i love it cause i went to sleep in my bed and woke up at my desk with this written! :D WARNING! its about a school shooting and is Rated PG-13 For Scary Situations and Violence

February 21st 5 Days After The incident

I loved him I really had, but I couldn’t admit that now I couldn’t risk being outcased like that.

To be honest I cant remember why I broke up with him anymore, All I know is that I did on valentines.

Harsh I know but it hadn't occurred to me that it was the 14th. He was the depressed poet type, but a good poet, and maybe the breakup's what drove him over the edge.

But honestly none of this matters any more, All that matters is what he did and who he hurt .

The day hadn’t seamed any different than most First period was boring as usual.

I was running to second period late when the first shot was heard, the school immediately going into lock down. I ran from door to door trying to get in a class room but no teacher would open the door, Who could blame them? They had a class room full of kids to protect.

I felt like a lost kid Scared and wanting her parents.

Running around the corner I could see more kids running some huddled on the floor not knowing what to do.

I made eye contact with one girl, Later shed be found dead in the bathroom.

We both jumped as another gun shot is heard this time closer to us , She got up and ran, I turned to start running as well, but some one called out to me, It was him.

He was looking at me with such hurt and pain, before shooting me in the shoulder and passing me a note begging me to read it if I lived.

17 dead 20 Injured 1 suicide

17 lives gone

20 Emotionally scared

100’s Changed forever

1 Hated forever

At first I couldn’t bring my self to read the note, I threw it away over 100 times but finally today I read it.

Today I read the best poem I ever read.

Today I Cried over the 17 dead and the people that they where supposed to be but never got to.

I also Cried Over the 1 who I Loved at one point and the poet that will never Be.

The worlds greatest Poet will never be known as a poet but as a Murderer

IM such an AIR HEAD i forgot to mention

I changed the spellling of my Name from Tyler to Ttyler yup BIG change there


K so ive decided on a diferent hair cut. (it changes every week just depend on if i go threw with the previous or not)  The new hair cut is called Long with bangs (basicaly i just have to grow it out) 

Im auditioning for a part in the school production of Fools  with firend lennet and patrick there are only 11 parts so keep your fingers crossed. i want the part of Sophia the love intrest of main dude, But will take what ever. Im writing awsome poems yup AWSOME like out of this world..... k thats just my opinon but still! Hahahaha. kk so im gonna show you my most prised poem

A secret language meant only for me
heard with its own harmony
like lyrics angels sing
a mothers song of loving
speaking of treasures lost long ago
a widows tale of woe
it wouldnt sound right
coming from another
yet people listen in wonder
to a secret language ment only for me.

So howd you like it? come on you know you loved it! Gosh!

Im obsessing over the twilight series 
But am not impressed with the movie. Ill just wait and watch it to see if im just being mean to it cuz i hate the girl to play bella......... :D

im getting a B in acting SO UNFAIR!!!! but in my awsome acting teachers defence i have missed 8-10 days of school already... (Bummer!) But seriously Ms Nemier is th best teacher ever! 
Shes only a second year teacher at our school. ANd guess what?!? i gave her an idea for next semesters prodject!!!! See i told her about how a firend of mine at another schools acting teacher Had them write there own monologes and exchange them with another student making them perform the monolouge. and she liked it so much we MIGHT do it YAY! lol

Im sadly switching out of honors, Im getting D's not good, but in my defense things hae been very hectoc and with all the homework i do i never actually get around to the reading part of the homework for those classes. so im switching to classes that exept late work though ill miss those two teachers its best for my GPA and credits and all that good stuff.

OMG guess what? my honors english teachers name is Micheal Scott ( Refrence to NBC show The Office) But he looks and sounds like Ferris Buhler! I promise no joke! And he thinks hes funny mostly hes not.

wow really really long post here! but i think i have more to go!
NOPE! i was wrong nothing more to write.