Monday, May 5, 2008

Racisim Hurts.

Wow talk about a lesson from the randomness of life.

i never really thought racisim would be affect me directly but it did
My "friend aleah" Desided to go very mean she used racisim and other words against me.  It all started cause she desided she hates me and with one little racist comment about me she  knocked down a house of cards and everyone got affected.  In a way i feel sorry for her because no one is talking to her but honestly its her fault because what she said was directed to me but everyone got mad cause it applyed to them as well. Its her own fault and we are just going to let things go and not talk to her we just want her out of our life. She Broke our trust Lied tried to lie to Myfriends dad to get her in troble and said some things.

Does it make us bad people for not wanting anything to do with her and just not talking to her?


Tyler and Julia said...

Hey Tyler! I would love to invite you to view our blog, but I'll need your email address to do it. Email me at, and PLEASE tell everyone else in your family that we miss them & love them! Take care!

John & Peggy said...

Thanks for the reminder to view your blog. I love it and think you are doing a great job. Entertaining and easy to read. And, Yes, you learned a very valuable lesson. Now learn the lesson of forgiveness. Love, Grandma and Grandpa.